About Me

About Me

Happy Little Moments: Parent Blog & Parent Coaching Site

Hello!  I’m Lindsey, a proud mother to three beautiful young children and the founder of a unique and amazing child care center nestled in the heart of Tennessee. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with many incredible families, and I would like to empower more mothers with insights into their child’s development, guide them through the principles of gentle parenting, inspire them to do more self-care, and help introduce them to organizational skills and systems in the midst of raising our children.

My passion is to help mothers embrace their role with confidence, fostering the growth of these amazing young children, while also nurturing themselves. Through my blog, I hope to extend a hand to all mothers in the face of our daily challenges. You are not alone on this journey. Together, we can navigate the intricacies of parenting, celebrating the joys and finding comfort in our shared experiences.

Join me in creating a community where we learn, uplift, and nurture our incredible little humans together. I’m excited to share this journey with you!