Self-Care for the Busy Mom

Self Care for the Busy Mom

Finding time for self care for the busy mom is a challenging part of parenting.  Do you neglect your own needs since becoming a mom? Most of us busy moms can relate. Every mom I’ve spoken to is juggling so much—work, home, kids, everyone’s schedules— self care for the busy mom is just not in the schedule.  It’s exhausting just thinking about it! In the midst of it all, we still want to cherish and savor those special moments with our children.

Self care for the busy mom is important to keeping it all together. If you show up for you, you’ll show up better for your family. 

Self Care for the busy mom

Below are some ideas to help you prioritize yourself.  Many of them are quick ways to take care of yourself as a busy mom, because we all know you’re a busy mama! 

Mindfulness techniques: Self Care for the busy mom

1).  Each day, fit in a few minutes of yoga.  There are thousands of YouTube videos that are entirely free, and many are helpful even if you’ve never done yoga before.  Each morning, before the kids get up, I manage to squeeze in a little yoga.  And what busy mom doesn’t love a good shavasana?

Self Care for the Busy Mom

2). If yoga isn’t your thing, try stretching for 5-10 minutes in the morning.  It will still do wonders for your body and mind! 

3). While at home with your family, diffuse some essential oils.  Lavender is my go-to for relaxation, but there are so many options that can make you feel more at ease. Even doing simple things you enjoy can be quick and easy self care for the busy mom.

4).  If you prefer the quiet and stillness, try a short guided meditation to calm your mind.  Personally, I love the Calm App!  If you’d prefer not to pay for a  subscription, there are thousands of free guided meditations on YouTube.

Happy Little Moments: Parent Blog & Parent Coaching Site

5). When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try a brain dump.  A brain dump just means that you grab a journal and write everything that comes to mind, without judgement.  In essence, a brain dump is helpful to offload the things on your mind into a safe space.  Some people set a 5-minute timer and others shoot for a number of pages in their journal to fill.  Personally, I shoot for filling in 2-3 pages in my journal, depending upon how much time I have. 

6). Just breathe!  If you don’t have 5-10 minutes to squeeze in a yoga session or  meditation, simply find a minute to just breathe. It will help you readjust your mind, especially if your children are challenging you.  

Self Care for the Busy Mom

Do something simple that brings you joy

7). Buy some flowers for your dining room table or kitchen island.  Sprucing things up with fresh flowers is a great way to brighten your day, as well as add some color to your space. 

8). Go get a manicure or pedicure.  If you don’t have time or money to go to the local nail salon, squeeze in your own mani/pedi at home.  Epsom salts do wonders for tired feet! 

9). After your bath or shower, take 10 minutes to do a simple facial mask.  In my life, I rarely have the time to go get a professional facial, so I’m a huge fan of sheet masks. They are quick and easy to use for quick self care for the busy mom.

"Joy does not simply happen to us. we have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day." - Henri nouwen

10).  Even if it’s only for a few minutes, find time to read a book.  Since having children, reading a book is one of my favorite self care indulgences.  Even if you only fit in a few minutes in between your kids asking for snacks, you will feel much better for taking a moment to relax.

11).  Find a You-Tube make-up video with a new technique you want to try. Even if you don’t succeed at first, you’ll feel better you tried something new and challenging, and you’ll have something you’ll learn to perfect over time.  

12).  Do a crossword, Soduku, or other puzzle. While there are many puzzles and games on our phones, I highly recommend doing puzzles the old fashioned way: with pencil and paper or doing an old school puzzle.  By putting the screen down, you can give your brain a break from the constant bombardment of notifications and marketing.

13).  If you can, squeeze in a nap!  This is my personal favorite self care for the busy mom activity.  It doesn’t happen nearly enough but I truly appreciate a good nap when I can get it! 

14). Cuddle with your pet.  Personally, I love cuddling up next to my cat – and he loves the attention.  With 3 children around, he doesn’t get as much attention anymore, so we both relish the moments we can snuggle together!

Self Care for the Busy Mom

Reach out to friends and be social

15).  Phone a friend.  In our digital age of texting, Tik Tok, Instagram, and Facebook, sometimes we forget that we can still phone a friend when we feel overwhelmed.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to the people you know if you need some support on your parenting journey. 

16). If you’re not a phone person – schedule a coffee date with a friend! In our incredibly connected yet disconnected world, most moms would love for someone to reach out for a coffee date or play date. In my recent networking journey in my own career, I’ve come to the realization that most everyone wants to socialize, but they want someone else to make the first move – to say the first “Hello” or start the conversation. Be the ONE and reach out to another mom friend.  

Self Care for the Busy Mom

Take action: Self Care for the Busy Mom

17).  Find a moment to spend some time in the sun.  By regularly spending time in the sun and fresh air, you’ll gain better clarity, health, and an overall better mental state. 

18). Anytime you can fit it in, take a walk outside.  As part of my own self care, I take a short walk almost every day.  It feels good to be outdoors, even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes each day.

19). Take a moment to sit down and sip on some tea. Better still, pair your tea time with a good book! 

20).  Find a small space, such as a drawer, shelf, or small closet, to declutter.  Even small acts of decluttering can give you a great mental boost and a sense of accomplishment.   

21).  Bake cookies. If you’re a really good baker, take the time to bake some bread.  Either way, your family will love you for it!  And there’s a good chance you’ll feel better doing something for yourself, too. 

I hope these tips have given you some fresh ideas for self-care as a busy mom! In today’s fast-paced world, we often overlook our own needs, but true happiness can be found in simple, everyday moments.
