9 Ways to Destress During the Holiday Season

9 Ways to destress during the holiday season

During the holiday season, many experience the holidays as a stressful time of year and may even find this season difficult to enjoy.  We may be trying to live up to ideals and expectations or we may be finding it difficult to finish all of the holiday shopping.  We may struggle to find the time or the resources to do all of the things, such as baking, attending events, volunteering, donating, shopping, or even keeping up with making Christmas magical for our children.  It’s no wonder many find the holiday season overwhelming. 

To help you make this holiday season less stressful, I’ve made a list of ways to help you destress your life during the holiday season.  Please remember that this season is about the simple things, and self-care is often about the simple things

9 Ways to destress during the holiday Season

1).  Prioritize Your Priorities.  This season is busy enough without the added stress of attending every event during the holiday season.  Prioritize what you can attend and decline what you can’t.  

A couple of years ago, when my older children were 2 and 3 years old, I over committed during the holiday season.  I was struggling to make the season magical.  And while there were still some magical moments, it felt less magical to me because of stress and lack of time.  I had a hard time finding time to Christmas shop and bake and do all the things I wanted to do with the kids.  The next year, I declined participation in a few events and it lightened my load a lot the next year!  

Remember, the holidays are about about making memories with your family.  Make that your top priority and pencil in anything else you’d like to attend after that. Say no when you have to and set some boundaries.

2).  Simplify Gift-Giving.  We all would love to give our children everything they want, but honestly, they don’t truly appreciate things when they get too much.  I love the simplicity of doing: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.  And while we believe in Santa, we don’t let Santa get carried away either.  Make a budget, make a plan, and stick to it.  You will be better off for it and so will your children.

If the finances of Christmas are your biggest worry, remember that what your child really wants and needs is YOU.  They want you to be present, playful, and patient.  It’s okay to keep things simple – create the magic of Christmas in other ways, like baking cookies, watching movies together, or doing Christmas selfies! 

During the Holiday Season Simple Gift Giving

3). Cultivate Gratitude: During the holiday season, take a moment to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. Encourage your family to join in this practice, appreciating even the simplest of blessings. Teaching gratitude to your children fosters a positive mindset and can bring a sense of fulfillment during the holiday season

Family Holiday Traditions

4). Reconnect with Traditions: Embrace the warmth of nostalgia by revisiting old family traditions from your childhood. Attend holiday services, celebrate St. Nicolaus Day, or engage in daily Advent Calendar activities.  We have a FREE Bible Verse Advent Calendar so be sure to click the link to download.  Reconnecting with these meaningful traditions can add a sense of continuity and joy to your celebrations.

5). Create New Family Traditions: Forge new traditions that resonate with your family. Whether it’s starting a unique holiday activity or adopting practices from diverse cultures, creating fresh traditions can infuse excitement and anticipation into the season.

If you’d like some fresh ideas for new family traditions, check out our blog, 
Heartwarming Family Holiday Tradition Ideas for a Season of Joy!”

Self Care During the Holiday Season

6). Maintain Healthy Habits: Don’t let the holidays become an excuse to abandon healthy habits. Consciously choose nourishing foods, incorporate fruits and vegetables into your meals, and limit sugar intake. Regular walks or short workouts can help alleviate stress and contribute to your overall well-being.

7).  Limit Social Media.  If you find that social media is affecting your mental health, this may be a great time of year to stay off of it.  Sometimes we end up scrolling and see what everyone else is doing.  It can bring up a lot of feelings when we see what everyone else is doing.  You don’t need to compare your life to anyone else’s.  Find ways to make sure you’re happy and thriving, and they may mean disconnecting for a little while. 

8). Stay Hydrated: As the air gets drier during the winter, it’s essential to stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle with you to ensure you’re getting enough fluids, helping to prevent sickness and maintain energy levels during this busy time.

9). Prioritize Relaxation: Amidst the hustle and bustle, schedule moments of relaxation for yourself. Whether it’s a holiday movie marathon or quiet time with a festive book, make self-care a priority. Remember, taking care of your own well-being is crucial for a joyful and stress-free holiday season.

During the holiday season, make a conscious effort to prioritize what truly matters, simplify your approach to gift-giving, and embrace gratitude and traditions.  By incorporating these practices, you can transform the stress of the season into a time of genuine joy and connection with loved ones. Remember, your well-being is essential, so take the time to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of the holiday season.  If needed, don’t hesitate to seek professional help for support during this time.
