Creating an After-School Routine That Works for Your Family

Creating an After-School routine That works for your family

After a summer full of freedom and play, building your before- and after-school routine is essential to making the transition back to school less overwhelming. We often let our routines slip during summer vacation—sleeping in, spending time outdoors, traveling, and enjoying a break from so much structure. But now that school has started again, afternoons may feel chaotic. That’s why establishing an after-school routine is crucial for your children and you.

When my older children were preschoolers, I remember how hectic it was when they came home from school. But over time, establishing routines helped bring more calm to our home. I will share our after-school routine so it may inspire you to create one that works for your family, too. 

After School Routine

Our Family After-School routine

  • When we get home, the first thing we do is put away book bags and shoes. I’ll be honest—sometimes I forget this step, but keeping things organized helps us avoid the morning scramble to find everything.
  • After that, it’s snack time. I have to plan ahead, or my kids would always ask for Cheetos and Coke! Snacks like pretzels or goldfish are typical in our house. Sometimes, I can sneak in a healthier option, like an apple.
  • I let the kids have free play until 4:30 pm. After that, it’s time for homework, studying, or quiet activities like reading, even if they don’t have homework. It gives them a chance to wind down and focus before the evening sets in.
  • If homework is done by 5:00 p.m., my kids get 20-30 minutes of tablet time while I get dinner ready. By 5:30 pm, screens are off for the night, and the kids help set the table, which gives them a little responsibility.
  • After dinner, it’s either bath time or more free play. I encourage our kids to play as much as possible, but I also balance it with some screen time. I’m still figuring out the best approach—at times, I consider saving screen time just for weekends. What’s your take?

Bedtime Routine

  • By 7:00 pm, we start tidying up or doing chores. Once the house is in some amount of order, the kids head upstairs to wind down for the night. This routine helps ease the transition to bedtime.
  • By 7:30 pm, we’re usually in one of the kids’ bedrooms for storytime. Reading before bed is one of our favorite parts of the evening and a great way to build a habit of reading for the future. It’s a special time to wind down together.
  • At 8:00 pm, the lights are out, and we turn on Mrs. Honeybee or Philip and Mommy stories for the kids to fall asleep to. Please note: we’re far from perfect. Some nights, we’re still chasing kids back to bed after the lights are out, too. And with sports in full swing, the bedtime routine often gets off track. But consistency is key. The more consistent you are, the easier bedtime will be.

Extracurriculars and routine

Sports nights definitely throw our schedule off a bit. I’ll admit, it’s usually a mad dash to get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door for practices and games. Can you relate? Even on those nights when bedtime is later than usual, we still try to stick to our routine of reading stories and winding down together. I sometimes worry about how much sleep they get on those busy nights, but I also recognize how valuable extracurriculars are for teaching our kids life lessons.

Balancing everything is difficult—making sure our kids get enough rest while also encouraging them to participate in activities that build good habits and important life skills. It’s not always easy, but we all do our best for our kids.

I hope this post has been helpful! Even if your after-school routine doesn’t always go perfectly, having some structure in place makes a big difference for both you and your kids. Remember, none of us have it all figured out. No matter what social media might suggest, even TikTok influencers struggle with their routines at times, too. Let’s keep motherhood real and give ourselves grace. We’re all juggling everything life throws at us, and we’re doing the best we can!


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