12 Tips to Staying Organized with Kids

12 tips to Staying Organized with Kids

At the moment, I’m in a season of life when it’s time to declutter and find new ways to stay organized with kids. After welcoming my third baby, I had to let a lot of things around the house slide. But now that my little one is almost 2 years old, it’s time to tackle the clutter and bring some order back into our home.

I decided to write this blog post because I’m right in the thick of it, putting these ideas into practice as I work to get our household organized again. Remember, it’s always a process, so take it one step at a time (I’m reminding myself of that too!).

Here are some tips I’ve been working on to get things in order and stay organized with kids. It’s definitely a challenge, but life runs so much more smoothly when everything has its place:

Create Systems for Staying Organized

  • Designate a Place for Everything: Give every item a designated spot in your home. When everything has a specific place, it’s much easier to put things away and to find them later. This simple habit helps keep your space tidy and reduces the time spent searching for misplaced items. If you struggle to do this, as I am right now, go to step two.
  • If you don’t have space for it, let it go. Even though I know this is true, letting things go is something I’m struggling with at the moment. Our home doesn’t have a ton of storage, I don’t want to pay storage fees, and we have accumulated more things than places for since Baby A was born. So step one is really difficult right now. However, we have to be disciplined about all the things we keep. As busy moms, we don’t have the time to use or maintain all of the stuff. As I’m decluttering, I’m reminding myself, I don’t have to keep every baby item, gift, or even heirloom that was ever given to me. If it’s causing me stress, it’s not worth keeping.
  • Implement a Daily Cleaning Routine: Just a few minutes of tidying up each day can prevent clutter from piling up. By incorporating a brief cleaning routine into your daily schedule, you can keep your living space neat and organized without feeling overwhelmed by mess. List out the chores that need to be done each week, and schedule them into your week. Also, try implementing 10 minutes family tidy up time before bed each night. It’s a small effort that pays off big in maintaining your home.
  • Declutter Weekly: Take the time to at least weekly to declutter your home. From personal experience, this helps tremendously to keep your home tidy and organized. By letting go of items you no longer need or use, you create more space and reduce clutter. Regular decluttering not only makes your home feel more spacious but also keeps your belongings meaningful and manageable. But keep in mind, we all go through phases when we can’t keep up with it all – including regular decluttering. If you’re in one of these phases, take heart. You will be able to take back your home once again. Just give it time and patience and schedule decluttering time as often as you can.
Staying Organized with Kids

Storage Solutions

  • Use Storage Solutions: Invest in practical storage solutions, like shelves, bins, and organizers, and try to utilize vertical space in your home for shelving. With the right storage, you can maximize the space you have. But remember, as you’re looking at these options, you still may need to declutter, as everything you own takes up valuable real estate, as well as your time and attention.
  • Optimize Furniture Storage: Purchase furniture with built-in storage is a smart choice for maintaining an organized home. Pieces like ottomans or coffee tables with compartments help you store more items discreetly. Choosing multi-functional furniture will help you keep your living spaces clear of clutter.
  • Label Containers: Label your storage bins and boxes. This is a quick and effective way to stay organized by making sure everyone is on the same page about where things go. Clear labels help you easily identify the contents of each container, making it simple to find what you need without digging through multiple boxes. This small step will save you lots of time and reduce frustration, and help ensure everything has a home in your home.
  • Use Drawer Organizers: Utilize drawer organizers. This is a great way to keep your drawers neat and clutter-free. With dividers or trays, you can sort items into categories, making it easy to find what you need without sifting through a mess. I’ll admit, my frugal streak made me hold off on purchasing drawer dividers for a long time, but I would never go back now. This small investment can greatly improve the organization and functionality of your drawers.

Practice Mindfulness

Be mindful of the purchases you make and what you’re bringing into your home. This is a proactive way to maintain your clutter (before it starts), as well as maintain your family budget. Admittedly, the convenience of Amazon makes this more difficult, but this step is a game-changer for clutter and personal finances. If you tend to be an impulsive shopper, put things in your Amazon cart, but wait a few days before purchasing. If you still need the item after a few days, then make the purchase. Often, you’ll find that there’s something satisfying about putting things in your Amazon cart. By waiting, you’ll give yourself time to consider whether the item is truly needed. By being intentional with your buying decisions, you will reduce unnecessary clutter, maintain a more organized environment, and you’ll feel more grateful for the things you already own.

Staying Organized with Kids

Work together as a family

  • Create a Command Center: Setting up a command center, helps keep you and everyone else in your home organized. Designate a central spot for essential items like important documents, keys, and the family calendar. By consolidating these items in one place, you’ll reduce the time spent searching for them and keep your household running smoothly.
  • Adopt the “One Touch” Rule: The “One Touch” rule is a simple way to keep your space organized. Instead of setting items down temporarily, handle them only once and put them away immediately. This small change in habit can prevent clutter from accumulating and make your home feel more orderly. It’s an easy practice that makes a big difference in maintaining a tidy environment. While undoubtedly a challenge, it’s a habit I’m working to instill in my children (and my husband).
  • Involve the Whole Family: Keeping your home organized is easier when everyone pitches in. Involve the whole family in maintaining order because it helps remove some of the workload off of you, and you’ll gain a sense of teamwork. By assigning tasks and encouraging everyone to take responsibility, you create a more organized and harmonious living environment for all. 

For more ideas for staying organized with kids, click this link to my blog post: Streamlining Your Space: 16 Home Organization Hacks.

While staying organized with kids is important, remember that it’s not the most important part of your life. Don’t make it all-consuming. Even if your house isn’t completely clutter-free, that’s okay.  Children would prefer their mothers to be present than to have a picture-perfect home. As long as your home is a healthy and clean environment for them to play and be kids. And it’s okay to let things go for awhile when you have a lot going on in your day to day life.
